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Part 3: Dave Nemo Show Broadcasts Live from La Jolla Meeting, Interviews NMFTA Leadership, Staff

NMFTA recently shared quotes from its leaders and key members that were broadcast by the Dave Nemo Show during February’s NMFTA Membership Meeting in La Jolla, CA.

Let Us Cyberattack Your Organization (Simulated, Of Course) To See If You’re Ready For a Real One

Is your organization ready for a cyberattack? Not just your IT department. Your whole organization. When a cyberattack hits, it doesn’t just affect the IT department. But in most companies, it’s only the IT people who give much thought to such scenarios.

New SCAC System Is Live: Here’s What To Do If You Need Help With It

The newest SCAC system has officially launched, and companies all across the trucking industry are getting acquainted with the first all-digital system for managing Standard Carrier Alpha Codes. Need assistance? We’re here to help.

Insurer to Trucking Companies: Be Smart about Cybersecurity Insurance

Trucking companies must protect themselves against cyber attacks – both in a preventive sense and in a reactive sense. The best-case scenario, of course, is for no successful attack to ever occur, which is why we often tell you about strategies to prevent such an event.

What Is SCAC and How Do Carriers Get It?

As the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) and the trucking industry roll toward the release of SCAC 2.0, it’s a good idea to step back and make sure we’re clear on the most basic of questions.

Business E-mail Compromise (BEC) Scams: An Underappreciated Cyberthreat

Everyone at some point receives an e-mail that seems fishy, and perhaps prompts them to show it to someone else, wondering, “Do you think this is legitimate?” There are good reasons people are asking that.

Sweeping Changes to Classification System to Take Effect April 8

Making the National Motor Freight Classification® (NMFC®) system as easy as possible for the industry to use is a high priority here at the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA). That is why NMFTA’s Freight Classification Development Council (FCDC) took several actions during NMFTA’s recent membership meeting in La Jolla, CA to make the NMFC simpler and easier for shippers.

Part 2: Dave Nemo Show Broadcasts Live from La Jolla Meeting, Interviews NMFTA Leadership, Staff

NMFTA recently shared quotes from its leaders and key members that were broadcast by the Dave Nemo Show during February’s NMFTA Membership Meeting in La Jolla, CA.

Woman leaning on glass in front of rows of computer servers

The Dos and Don’ts of Cybersecurity Penetration Testing for Trucking Companies

In the current environment of cyber threats, it is commonplace for trucking companies to have their enterprise systems penetration-tested. It’s a simple enough proposition, in which a cybersecurity expert (pentester) tests the potential weaknesses of your systems and demonstrates the existence of vulnerabilities by exploiting them.

Padlock visualized over the keyboard of an open laptop computer

Two-Factor Authentication, Secure Gateways Are Critical to Preventing Cyberattacks

Cybersecurity leaders from two NMFTA member companies recently suggested two high-impact actions that every fleet can take to significantly reduce the risk of cyberattacks now. The first is two-factor authentication. The second is the addition of a secure gateway to the fleet.

Dave Nemo Show Broadcasts Live from La Jolla Meeting, Interviews NMFTA Leadership, Staff

For those who attended the NMFTA Membership Meeting in La Jolla, the early-February gathering was a great opportunity to get up to speed on what’s happening in the industry and what NMFTA is doing to keep its members on the front lines of progress.

Why Packaging is So Critical for the Classification System

One of the reasons the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) system works so well, and is so widely accepted, is the value it offers when it comes to packaging.