The Book’s Final Chapter

NMFTA - January 10, 2023

Two of NMFTA’s leading missions will converge in 2023, and the result is the most functional offering to National Motor Freight Classifications members yet.

In 2023, we will transition to making our digital NMFC database known as ClassIT the exclusive offering of this data.

That means the 2023 printing of the hard-copy NMFC Book will be the last. It brings to a close a long and distinguished history of service for the venerable Book. Many of our members have faithfully ordered copies of this huge volume every year for decades, and it’s been an honor for us to provide it.

When we launched ClassIT in 2006, we saw it as a digital alternative to our main offering. More and more people were able to access and utilize digital assets, and we wanted to give people the option of obtaining the information on their computers or devices if that was their preference. Over the course of the 17 years that have followed, two things have moved us in the direction of an exclusive digital offering:

The first is the advancement of ClassIT, to the point where it offers far more functionality than it did at the start. This includes the ability to search multiple terms and definitions, to search trademarked names, to download data into pricing systems and TMS platforms, and even a handy density calculator. ClassIT has matured to the point where it’s a powerful, multifunctional and easy-to-use digital tool.

The second is the growing presence of digital devices in the hands of just about everyone. In 2006, we thought this would be a nice option for those who were sufficiently advanced in the digital space. In 2023, that’s everyone. Digitization is one of our key missions here at NMFTA, of course, so it only makes sense we would evolve in a way that recognizes this progress.

As of today, NMFTA has over 7,000 users of ClassIT versus just under 700 printed books that are distributed each year.  

There is a slight price difference between ClassIT ($270 per year for NMFC participants, $390 for non-participants) and the Book ($250 per year for NMFC participants, $400 for nonparticipants). The difference reflects the greater functionality of ClassIT.

We should all appreciate the importance of the NMFC Book as it reaches its final chapter this year. It’s been essential for so many companies over the course of its history. And while the hard-copy Book will no longer be produced, its mission lives on in the form of ClassIT, which takes the Book’s mission and serves it even better.

To learn more, or to start your ClassIT subscription, contact


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The National Motor Freight Traffic Association promotes, advances, and improves the welfare and interests of the motor carrier industry and less than truckload carriers operating in commerce, both domestically and/or internationally.