Whatever your company’s leadership is thinking of doing this Fall, one engagement is a must. You need to be with us in Cleveland, OH from October 27-29, 2024. The security of your entire trucking company enterprise depends on it.
But rest assured, those who make the trip will come away with both the knowledge and the tools to thrive in an otherwise perilous digital environment.
As the trucking industry catches up with other industries in the area of digitization – adding new efficiencies, boosting accuracy, and simplifying functions of the industry – we have also found ourselves at a growing risk of cyberattacks.
We have already seen major cyberattacks impact critical industries like healthcare, education, and energy.
An attack on trucking could be the most crippling of all for the U.S. economy, because the nation would grind to a halt in as few as three days if trucking stopped. Even an attack on a single carrier would create a supply-chain disruption that could impact millions of people. And trucking companies are uniquely vulnerable, since it is not only the enterprise level that can be hit, but the rolling asset level, aka a fleet of trucks, as well.
None of this is to alarm you. It is to prepare you. Because the single most powerful thing you can do to protect your company is to attend the 2024 NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference in Cleveland: www.nmftacyber.com.
This is the only cybersecurity conference of its kind in the trucking industry. Each year, our presenters are deeply acquainted with the vulnerabilities of the trucking industry. They address issues such as disrupted operations, data breaches, compliance challenges, financial threats, and even the potential paralysis of truck fleets.
Those who have attended this conference know how powerful it is. Not only do you get the opportunity to network with your peers and the industry’s leading experts, but you will also receive information directly from the most knowledgeable presenters on the subject. In the past this has included key executives from major carriers and logistics providers – sharing their cybersecurity experiences – as well as the industry’s leading security minds.
This year will be no exception. Our current speaker lineup includes:
Attendees will learn the latest on the tactics being used by cyberattackers, as well as the latest technologies, techniques, and insight to help carriers stay a step ahead of the bad guys. They will learn about key points in employee training, disaster recovery plans, enterprise and asset security, Zero Trust strategies, authentication standards, and much more.
A highlight of the 2023 conference was a demonstration of how easily hackers can make a truck’s brakes chuff with tools no more complicated than a basic antenna. Yes… we hacked a truck. Those who attended the demonstration were stunned, and they came away with an understanding: This is serious business.
By attending the NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference, you can build a cyber resilient operation at your company. By applying the insight you will learn, you can keep your carrier in a strong and secure position.
Plan to join us October 27-29, 2024 at the Hilton Cleveland Downtown. Here is where you can register and get even more information.
The National Motor Freight Traffic Association promotes, advances, and improves the welfare and interests of the motor carrier industry and less than truckload carriers operating in commerce, both domestically and/or internationally.